The Weekend
Friday I made the rash decision to cut Lillian's hair, just her bangs though. She was in the habit of pulling her clips out and her hair completely covered her eyes. So using rounded nail clipping scissors I made three quick cuts as she squirmed. I think it looks very cute but it does seem to give her a different look. You can kinda tell in these two shots.
Saturday we went to the Baylor vs Texas football game. It was a beautiful day and I was surprised at how close the players were and easy to watch even though we sat at the top to give Lillian some wiggle room. I think this was possibly my third football game ever. We all got a little sunburned otherwise it was a great time. Hopefully we'll get to go to another.
Sunday was a church celebration at the Waco Suspension bridge. Lilly and I rode the trolley (about 6 blocks) and she was enthralled. I'm not sure if was the seatbelt-less voyage or all the people. Once we got there lunch was served on the bridge crossing the river. (And for those of you that saw the river flowing above the banks earlier this summer should be surprised to hear that it is now dry. Quite a different look as you can imagine.)