Texas Parks, Part II
As promised (see below), here are some more pictures from an excursion to a park. On Saturday we traveled to Colorado Bend State Park, which is a little over two hours from Waco. This time we went with our friends, David and Amanda (Mandy). You'll find them pictured above--they're both wearing Duke shirts. I'm not sure if they were aware of the loss to Clemson at that time. After a scenic drive, we enjoyed two short hikes in the park and a picnic lunch by the river.
The first hike (pictured in the first shot) took us along the Colorado and then up a little canyon. We only had time to make it up a short ways, so there remains more to explore should we return. Our second hike was longer. It began on a gravel road and then proceeded down a trail to Gorman Falls. It was pretty hot on the open and exposed road, but this verdant oasis (see pic. #2) just above the river was an ample reward.