Almost 2
It's been 2 years since I've been pregnant. And it feels good. It's so exciting to watch these kids grow, and now our youngest is turning two. Wes does his best at keeping up with his big brother and sister. Today we went to the zoo without the stroller or diaper bag. Wes and Jack ran or walked the whole way though Wes was feeling it by the end. He was down for his nap an hour earlier today. Unfortunately he has hit the terrible twos pretty hard. He struggles to get his desires known and usually ends up on the floor when his demands are not met, known and unknown.
He is talking a lot. Elephant, football, all gone, want some, water, and copying whatever anyone else has just said. Lots more to say of course. I'll save some for tomorrow...
He was born at 5:41 a.m., he weighed 7 lb 14 oz., he was 19.5 inches.
"The Muffin Man"!
Aunt Barbie