
Showing posts from November, 2011

Back to school

It's hard to get back to the routine after having such a nice break.  Plus there are so many events and activities between now and Christmas it's hard to remember that school is still in session for a couple more weeks.   P.S.   One of these days I'll get a shot of Wes with a smile :) P.P.S. here is shot of the oak all lit up.

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving right here at home.  Kyle worked really hard outside all morning and afternoon trimming up the live oak tree.  It looks so much better plus there is more light coming through now so maybe our grass will grow.  Then he decorately the tree with lights and when it got dark last night we all went out and watched as they were turned on.  Best year yet on decorations!  We had an early dinner and then spent a little time putting up the tree and adding ornaments.  It's all very exciting. We didn't have any visitors this year but we did have a "little help" come this week to clean the floors.  I hope he can come back again soon. Here is our simple but yummy meal.

Taking notes

Yesterday Lillian spent the day with Kyle at school since she has the whole week off.  She attended both classes and tried to take notes.  I thought she did quite well.  What do you think? Here she was just writing out words she knows.
Chilling at home on a cool and wet morning.   Cleaning and cooking to get ready for cousins in a couple weeks?!?

Train Ride!!!



The kids (mainly Jack and Lillian) have been playing outside ever since we picked Lillian up from school.    I'd say a good 90 minutes with little screaming.  Jack and I found a soccer ball yesterday behind the Kwik Kar shop when we were getting inspected.  It was a great find.  I just saw the two of them each with a ball playing a made-up game of kicking/running back and forth.  I remember those days of spending hours playing down at the park.  Now they are digging, finding snails, exploring the backyard.  It's all just what a kid should be doing on a perfect fall day. This morning Jack, Wes and I went downtown to a parade to celebrate Veteran's Day.  It was very cool, and very long.  I'd say it probably was at least an hour and a half long.  Lots of local highschool marching bands, JROTC marching and of course many veterans waving.  I'd never knew until we moved to Waco that candy is thrown at parades.  For the kids it...

Jack's Birthday weekend

Our sweet boy Jack is now three years old. At the Baylor Homecoming Parade At the park Birthday cake and present time!

Little news

I have a ridiculous sister who got confused with my title.  So, little news means there is nothing to report and no real new photos to post.  My interesting part of the day was trying to convince the car a/c not to turn on when programmed for 76 but instead kick on the heat.  It seems to forgotten how to heat.  And it was in the 40s this morning, definitely cool enough for the heat.