The kids (mainly Jack and Lillian) have been playing outside ever since we picked Lillian up from school. I'd say a good 90 minutes with little screaming. Jack and I found a soccer ball yesterday behind the Kwik Kar shop when we were getting inspected. It was a great find. I just saw the two of them each with a ball playing a made-up game of kicking/running back and forth. I remember those days of spending hours playing down at the park. Now they are digging, finding snails, exploring the backyard. It's all just what a kid should be doing on a perfect fall day. This morning Jack, Wes and I went downtown to a parade to celebrate Veteran's Day. It was very cool, and very long. I'd say it probably was at least an hour and a half long. Lots of local highschool marching bands, JROTC marching and of course many veterans waving. I'd never knew until we moved to Waco that candy is thrown at parades. For the kids it...