
Showing posts from December, 2010

3rd Day of Christmas

Wow, a jumpaline! Netting will go up for safety before we return. Lillian, of course is beyond excited. Come over and jump with us soon!
and a Happy New Year!

Movie for Mom and Dad's Anniversary

Way to go Mom and Dad


Just so darn cute

The kids are playing outside on a beautiful day.  I couldn't help but try to capture their energy and smiles.

Are dinosaurs scary?


That's what friends are for

Making Christmas cards, reading The Christmas story, singing a Christmas song, eating Christmas decorated cupcakes, and playing outside on a gorgeous morning in Waco!  


The kids played outside briefly after nap and before Kyle returned home.  They have so much energy at that time of day but are also so fussy.  Usually they just can't wait for dinner.  Wes had his 10 month old check-up this morning and weighed in at 17lbs 12oz for those of you interested.  We are all well and I plan for us to stay that way through the holiday season!  

10 months

Kyle and I can't believe this boy isn't a year old yet.  It seems like he's been with us at least that long and life without him must have been forever ago.  But he just hit 10 months.  He spends a lot of time on the floor these scooting backwards if he needs to but usually finds contentment with the toys around him.  He loves his big sister and brother and is always looking for attention from them.  He is a definite lip smacker and his hair is slowly growing.  Despite the toothless mouth, he loves his meal times.  He had a couple servings of the turkey soup last week and loved it - gotta make some more for him.  The pics are of the kids at around 10 months.

Nail Polish

Lillian is obsessed with all things that 'make her pretty.'  Oh, it really drives me crazy sometimes because she is so devoted to it.  Purses, necklaces, bracelets, etc are all over the house and she always can find something to match her outfit before we head out the door. Here is a great video that Grammy took when she was here. Today after painting her finger and toes she asked someone to blow on her toes - I'm assuming because it was too hard for her to reach to dry them herself.  Kyle and I both offered Jackie to do it.  Her response: "No, I don't want slobber all over my toes!"
Just got back from Christmas on 5th at Baylor.   It was really fun.  We had cookies and hot chocolate.  Jack and Lillian got to ride a pony.  We saw a live nativity scene with camels and a baby in the manger (a doll).   (Lillian helped me write the post.)