
Showing posts from February, 2011

Seattle or Bust!

No, you are right, we are not on our way to the NW.  Although it would be great to see our Port Orchard cousins, I don't think Bethany and I are up for the challenge of a +2000 mile drive with 5 kids in the back (we are willing to make the drive however, w/o these 5 kids :)). These are our friends Samuel and Caleb Wallace who came over for the Dinner and a Jump package that we offer on Friday nights, starting this past Friday night.  It was a hoot, at one point we had all five kids and two moms on the jumpoline.  We managed to get through the afternoon with no serious injuries. So, call us up to check availability and prices for our Dinner and a Jump package at your Waco Welty home. (limited time only*)

My mamma said there would be days like these

We are spending the day at home. Playing, snacking, napping, washing clothes, eating, fighting, crying, changing, cleaning, cooking, planning, eating, napping, oh and jumping!

The benefits of Waco

70 degrees all week!

What is Up?!

I tend to shy away from writing and usually think it is sufficient to post pictures only on the blog.  However I thought I would try to spend a couple minutes catching you up on our life. Wes (aka Mr Muffin) turned one last week and it is very strange to have a one year old, a two year old, and a five year old.  Wes spends his time fighting for survival and toys with Jack.  Most of the time he loses but he's pretty tough.  His two bottom teeth look like are about to come it (first ones). So right now he's dealing with a lingering cold, teething, and the soreness of his first episode of ant bites.  So sad.  We are in the stage where he is against taking two naps but can't make it yet on just one.  He's pulling himself up whenever he can, our windowsills are the perfect height.  Walking is definitely a couple months off though.  We weighed him and Jack a week ago on our scale at home and it showed them to be 5 lbs a part.  Wes is 22 lbs....

Family Time


Look closely...

Can you tell the difference?

Sleeping babe

This is how we found Jack the other night before we went to bed.  He's been in the habit of taking off his pjs if he can.  And somehow the most comfortable position is on his back with his arms up behind his head.  Very cute.

Two Birthdays?!


Our one year olds

Wes - February 2011 Jack - November 2009 Lillian - January 2007

Wesley's Birthday/Snow Day

With the help of Uncle Orrville and Amanda (his girlfriend), we celebrated Wesley's first birthday. Wesley took it all in stride and enjoyed his birthday cupcake. It started to snow late last night, and we woke up this morning to the most accumulation we've seen in Waco. Cold hands cut short our time out in the snow, but we did get a few pictures.


(Mom!) I forgot a red plastic bowl in the oven.  And even though I checked to see if the oven was empty I missed the bowl that was hiding in the back on the oven.  The house stinks and it is NOT easy getting the plastic off everything!! *This is not my picture but it's what it looked like exactly except the bowl was red and the I was baking blueberry coffee cake.