Jack Robert Welty

Jack joined our family at 10:24 this morning. Everyone is well. He weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. and measured 19". Lillian is playing with Ms. Aaryn, and Jack and Mom are napping. Here are some pictures.


Anonymous said…

Uncle Kevin
Hawkins Family said…
he looks like a fun little boy! Cousin Phillip says thanks for having a boy! :) we're thrilled for you and pretty excited about april for us :)
Anonymous said…

Thank you for the photos. It is wonderful to see everyone well & doing fine. Since we live so far away, the blog helps us feel closer. THANKS again.

You are blessed with a SWEET baby..and his big sister :-)
Love & prayers,
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the World little cousin! I just love the pictures! He is so adorable!!
Take care
God Bless,
Anonymous said…
So thrilled for you guys. He's quite a handsome little boy. Love the name.
Much love to you all,
Unknown said…
That only problem is that he in not a Pacific Northwest baby!
Wish you all were closer!
Much Love,
Port Orchard Miners
Yes!! CONGRATS!!! We thank thank God with you for his safe arrival. Enjoy (as possible!) these first days as you get to know him. What a head of hair already!
Anonymous said…
he's so cute- looks too like he has a mischevious personality with those squinty eyes. i can't wait to meet him and hold him. my boys got big too fast. i think i'll have to have another one. :)
Anonymous said…
Congrats!!! He's beautiful. Please let us know if you need anything at all in the coming days. Maybe Lillian would like to come play with the boys and I sometime to give you some one-on-one time with baby Jack? I'll call you sometime soon! take care, kathy
Anonymous said…
Put a golf club in that lil' fella's hands!! Uncle Pete can't wait to meet him!

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