National Zoo visit

Many apologies for not posting anything in so long. We are taking pictures and keeping plenty busy, so much so that I'm not taking the time on the computer as usual. Here's just a couple from our visit to the Zoo last week.
William and Jack asleep after a long day.
The crew at our lunch picnic spot.
Another way to get around instead of the crowded paths.


Looks like a nice picnic with all those cousins and cousins of cousins! So how are the house projects going?
Mary Mac said…
that looks like so much fun!!! love the panda. I was just telling mandy I am not sure if I have ever seen a panda in person. I do have a friend that was at a zoo in china looking at the pandas and decided to poke at it with a stick and his arm got mawed by the panda! he still has a scar! and an arm....
anyway looks like y'all are having so much fun. miss ya tons! love the bill and ted :) (phil and ted but bill and ted would have been a better name).
Mary Mac said…
what kind of zoo lets monkeys play on power lines like that?

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