Birthday boy

This is only a couple weeks late. Sorry for not posting lately. I've been dealing with a pulled something in my back and it's a bit of a pain to sit for long. Plus we've been busy as I'm sure many of you were over the past week. We had a great Thanksgiving here in Waco and now can't wait for Kyle to finish the semester and Christmas to arrive.

The first picture is Jack licking the batter spoon - since I took a similar picture of Lillian on her first birthday. The second was taken on Monday, November 9 when we celebrated with others including Uncle Kevin, Dr Lewis (of our Vancouver/Regent days - visiting for a couple days) and Matt Mattoon (a student in the program with Kyle with also went to Regent and also worked for Dr Lewis). Jack was a bit hesitant in eating the cake or rather how to go about it. He does not have this problem with most other food though.


that looks like a yummy cake! And I'm definitely seeing more chub on that boy. Thanks for the update Kate, but take it easy and take care of yourself!!

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