Wesley Everett Welty

We're excited to announce that we have another healthy baby boy. He was born at 5:41 a.m., and he weighed 7 lb 14 oz. And he was 19.5 inches. Lillian says that "he's so cute!"

Jack is not sure what all this means, but he did poke the baby in the eye as a welcoming gesture.

Katie and baby are due to be discharged tomorrow morning. Both are doing quite well.


Anonymous said…
Wow!!! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! It kind of looks like Jack is a bit disappointed about officially being a middle child.
Kristen said…
congratulations, weltys! I totally agree with Lillian (who by the way looks so so so stinking cute in the family photo. I kind of love that she'll be the little welty princess.)
hulahannah said…
wonderful to chat with you today, Mommy! and thanks for giving us a new nephew :) he's precious! we like the names Everett or Tacoma. CONGRATS to the larger family!
Mary Mac said…
congratulations! it looks like lillian is in love! so sweet! so excited to meet whats his face.
Jim and Jen Keener said…
Congratulations! We're excited for all of you! Glad that you were able to have a natural birth!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful baby! He is gorgeous. A lovely boy. Congratulations.
Mary and Andy
Katie said…
I am so happy for you now family of 5! Congrats on baby #3 and let me know when you pick out a name for the handsome little man :O)

Katie P
Frick House said…
we are all dying to know the name!!!!

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