Have you ever?
Have you ever had just a notsogoodverybad day? Well, the day on the whole was not quite that bad. Although it started out rough with waking up to a sour throat, headache, and dizziness. I managed fine at home the boys playing nice and not so nice. I wish they would have played outside longer. However it started to sprinkle a bit and some of you may not know but Texas kids are prone to dissolve with rain. Everyone hides inside for sure.
But tonight, oh that was a bad one. And it started off with one really bad decision. To go INTO Chick-fila. Never go into Chick-fila One-on-Three with no tethering or carrier device for at least one. The kids held hands nicely through the parking lot and I opened the door for us to enter. Whoa, where's Jack?? He was just here, how could he be gone? Really, where was he? Okay...so I found him around the corner at the other entrance. After warning of getting back in the car if they didn't stay close once we entered, we went in to order. Lillian immediately starting freaking out because she saw some school friends which is why I'd even attempted this thing to begin with (small profits for her school). So I tried to wait in line, keep Wes from squirming out of my arms, hold my purse and get money out, keep an eye and whisper orders to Jack and Lillian, say hello to friends, order, and look like I might have some control in the eyes of others. (oh but I didn't)
We found a seat and waited for the food. Within 10 minutes the kids were not eating their oh so delicious chicken and fighting over chocolate milk. Why oh why? I then told Jack and Lillian that we would not be going to the play area because it was on the other side of the restaurant and there was no way I could do it all. Then Lillian freaked and proceeded to fuss/cry the rest of the time there, and crawl under the table once she realized people were staring. Then Jack needed to go to the bathroom. Fortunately we were right there so I didn't feel too bad about leaving Lillian and Wes at the table as I went to supervise. But I managed to get a look from a lady not so sure about my decision. And then it was time to go, it was just going to get worse and I needed to get ahead of the game. Who knew my steps from the table to the car would be so far?
How was I going to carry the leftover food, my drink, Wes, the trash, hold on to Jack and pull worked up Lillian? I asked Lillian to carry the food and then Wes took off for the play area where some lady opened the door for him. Jack was off somewhere else. Walked halfway toward and Lillian came but without the food. I put my drink down, went back for the food and trash and came back. Gathered my drink, told L and J to stay put and went to get Wes. Made it outside with my very toughest mean look, struggled through the parking lot about to drop the food and stood byside the car. I still need to open it and get them in. I put Wes down to unlock the car. He took off running, I dropped everything and ran around the car and after him. Got him and started to put him in, where was Jack? Okay, they are all getting, all the stuff is in, they are all crying and mommy may shed a tear or two too.
Made it home, they were instructed to get pjs on and into bed. Again, trying to unlock the front door and Wes makes it to the end of the driveway and turns around to make sure I'm watching and about to chase. I drop it all again and bound after him. He laughs and runs into the street. I get him into the house and make sure they are all in bed within the next 10 minutes. It's okay to fall asleep crying every once in awhile.
Never again though.