Sayings and other notes


  • Copying his teacher "Jack, you know better than that."
  • Also, with hand in the air "Listen to the teacher."
  • In the morning getting dressed "Oh no, not sweat pants!" Who knew a 3 year old boy would despise sweat pants? Yesterday he requested his corduroys but they were dirty and he had to wear sweat pants after all!
  • Quietly at dinner last night "Baby, you're a firework."  (No comment.)

  • He takes great pride in saying "Thank you" with a clearly defined th, we are very proud with his progress.  He has started to receive homework for his speech therapy and takes responsibility for getting it done every night.
  • In telling a story to his teacher used the line "When I try to go to sleep at night with my eyes open..."
  • Loves to talk about Jesus dying on the cross and how when we die we will live in heaven with Jesus.  And that Grandpa Jack is in heaven.  

  • This girl likes to talk.  Kyle had to tell her last night in the car that it's okay not to always be talking.  I had to follow up with a firm "It's quiet time from here to home."  It almost worked.
  • She has so much energy and she's eating 2nds and 3rds at almost every dinner.  I'm not looking forward to when the boys reach this age, and on.
  • Another loose tooth that is sure to be taken out by her teacher any day now.  This teacher took out the first a couple weeks ago.  I'll post a photo next time.


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