
Today was suppose to be our annual parish picnic in the park, but we were forced to have the service and 'picnic' at church because of rain.  (We've gotten a lot of rain this spring.)

Rather than wait in the long line for food, we took some pictures in and around the church.  Here are some of them and a few from after lunch too.

Here are a few of Jack's sketches:

1. Penguin
2.  Lego block
3.  unknown


staff said…
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staff said…
update: if you are curious as to what Jack's unidentified sketch (#3) depicts, he says that they are headphones (unless they are turned sideways, then it is a telephone)
Unknown said…
Headphones was what I saw right away on drawing #3! I can see the phone, too. It's great that Jack has interest in historical artifacts & knows what an "antique" phone's handset looks like ;-) Btw, all of Jack's drawings show fine artistic talent. {& I send along my thanks to you for posting all these lovely family portraits.}
These are great! Except for a few of the children's facial expressions... :-)

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